At Sustainable Plumbing, our consultation involves a plumbing tech visiting your home to assess their plumbing needs, address concerns, and provide expert advice and solutions. Here's an outline of what happens during our plumbing consultation:

  1. Appointment Scheduling: Contact us at 704.703.2730 to schedule a consultation at the most convenient time for you!

  2. Arrival and Introduction: Our Service Professional arrives punctually and introduces themselves. They might ask questions to understand the specific issues or requirements the client has.

  3. Assessment and Inspection: Our plumber conducts a thorough inspection of the plumbing system. They examine pipes, fixtures, drains, water heaters, and any specific areas of concern indicated by the client.

  4. Discussion and Explanation: The plumber discusses their findings with the client, explaining any problems detected, potential causes, and suggested solutions. They might provide different options and their respective costs.

  5. Recommendations: Based on the assessment, the plumber recommends necessary repairs, replacements, or upgrades. They might suggest preventive maintenance strategies to avoid future issues.

  6. Cost Estimate: The plumber provides a detailed estimate of the costs involved in the proposed work, including labor, materials, and any additional expenses.

  7. Timeline: They outline the expected timeline for completing the work, considering the complexity of the job and availability of materials.

  8. Answering Questions: We answers any questions or concerns you may have regarding the proposed work, materials, or maintenance procedures.

  9. Documentation: If the client agrees to proceed, the plumber prepares necessary paperwork, such as a service agreement or contract, outlining the scope of work, costs, and terms of service.

  10. Follow-Up: After the consultation, the plumber may follow up with the client to confirm scheduling, address any further inquiries, or make arrangements for the agreed-upon plumbing services.

Overall, our plumbing consultation aims to provide the client with a clear understanding of their plumbing issues, possible solutions, and the associated costs and timeline, allowing the client to make informed decisions about their plumbing needs.